You can pay for your lessons by cash, card or by bank transfer. Please advise your instructor at the beginning of the lesson how you wish to make payment.
Cash payments – If you pay cash but you don’t have the correct change, for example your lesson is £45 but you only have £50 then £5 credit will be applied to your account. You cannot pay £40 and pay the £5 next time.
Card payments – If you are unable to pay by cash or bank transfer then payment can be made in the car by credit or debit card, this includes contactless payments, Apple Pay and Android Pay if your watch or phone supports this.
Bank Transfer – You can have ‘an account’ with your instructor. This means you can send any payments to your account at any point and that balance will be used for any lessons you have. Please note, if you wish to pay as you go via bank transfer then this must be sent before your lesson begins.
Bank Details – You can use these details to set up regular or one off payments.
Payee Name: Paul Guidi trading as Your Pass
Account: Monzo, Business
Sort Code: 040003
Account number: 91137102
Reference: YOUR NAME